How Hot Weather Impacts Lincoln Park Chicago Exterior Painting

How Hot Weather Impacts Exterior Painting

Fresh paint can transform a home into a center of architectural beauty and protect your home’s exterior. As one of the most cost-efficient home improvements you can do, it provides the distinction of a well-kept property. Our expert exterior home painting services can update your home and turn a dream into reality. At Fine Painting, we serve the residents of Lincoln Park Chicago with skill, professionalism and superior customer service.

Knowing the Best Time to Paint

Spring provides the most suitable time to paint a home. Temperatures range between 50 and 85 degrees, an ideal time for applying paint. Latex works best when exterior surfaces remain below 80 degrees. Remember that walls that face the sun get hotter than the air temperature, making spring the best time for exterior painting.

Choosing a Lincoln Park Painting Contractor

Our licensed and insured team of professional painters paint different sides of a home when they do not receive direct sunlight. At Fine Painting, we take care to paint the east side of a home in the late morning. Any time of day suits the north walls. Our years of experience in providing exterior home painting services lets us deliver flawless jobs every time.

When you search for painters near me in Lincoln Park Chicago, you can find a highly qualified exterior painting contractor. We vet and screen our team members to provide you with the best possible service.

Our family-owned and operated business has an outstanding history of excellent performance and quality work. We include a warranty, and we guarantee satisfaction with your job. In addition, we take pride in providing exterior home painting services to the Lincoln Park Chicago community.

Understanding How Paint Reacts to Heat

In hot weather, a painted surface may feel dry to the touch. However, we know that a lasting paint job takes longer than that. The drying process allows the solvents to evaporate, causing the paint to feel dry. Thus, the underneath coating needs about two weeks to complete the curing process.

When the paint coat reaches the level of hardness that indicates curing, it has dried completely. At that time, you can wash the surface if you need to. However, disturbing the paint by washing the surface before then can lead to problems. We respect the effects of Chicago’s weather, and we know how to use them to get great results.

Excessive heat can cause defects in the paint, and we carefully avoid any condition that can cause bumps or blisters to appear. Our knowledge of the components of paint allows us to create exterior home painting services that adhere properly. With our trained and experienced crews and team leaders, we deliver perfection with no cracks or discoloration. Spring days provide the perfect combination of temperatures that produce a beautiful job.

Considering the Effect of Humidity

Our deep understanding of the properties of paints comes from studying them and many years of experience. We know that high humidity can affect exterior painting, and we maintain a schedule to accommodate it. The water vapor in high humidity affects the paint surface and the air surrounding it.

You can rely on our knowledge of Chicago’s weather and its effect on exterior home painting services. We know how to work with issues that bother less experienced painting contractors. High humidity can change the ratio of water to solvents by thinning the consistency and taking longer to dry. Our professional teams use years of experience to understand weather conditions and how they affect exterior painting surfaces.

Avoiding the Painting Pitfalls

Painting a home may seem a relatively straightforward process, and many people try to make it a do-it-yourself project. However, the complexity soon becomes visible with the forces of nature that can make it require deep knowledge and understanding.

Guidelines for successful exterior painting include keeping an eye on heat and humidity levels. Our success in avoiding their extreme levels contributes to our many years of quality and customer satisfaction.

Getting the Benefits of Experience

When you decide to update your home with fresh paint, you may search for painters near me to find us. At Fine Painting, we monitor weather conditions and schedule jobs accordingly. We anticipate the environment surrounding your job, choosing the most optimum time to do our work.

When we prepare to do a job for you, we identify potential problems and find a way to handle them. Our experience shows that spring provides an ideal time for painting a home. In addition, our expert colorists can help you choose a paint color that complements the design and style of your home. When you request a free estimate, we listen to your concerns and assure you of 100 percent satisfaction. We invite you to let us transform your home’s exterior into a vision of beauty and loveliness.

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